Mining & Industrial

Mixing Tanks


Industrial Mixing Tanks

Mixing Tanks For Aggressive Agitation

Designed to be efficient, high powered and capable of generating fast batch turnaround.

The high velocity capabilities of our mixing tanks, gives you the ability for multiple blends and recipes, including dissolved solids and solids in suspension. Our Mixing tanks are an integrated design with no additional mounting frames required. This not only minimises the footprint of the tank but also minimises onsite installation time, just place it on the pad and it’s ready for operational use. These mixing tanks can be customised to meet your specific requirements by our team of technicians. With an additional range of options available including; the choice of single or three phase drive motors, low and high- level mixers and the option for a self-draining tank design. If you need a mixing tank with fast turnover contact our friendly sales team.

Mixing Tank for the Mining and Construction industry - West Coast Poly - Fully certified
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240v or 415v

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Multiple Liquid Types


High agitation rates for rapid batch turn around
Aggressive floor scouring to prevent sediment
Ability to produce specific fertiliser/Chemical Recipes
Special low level and high level mixers available
Single and Three phase drive motors available
Integrated design – no additional mounting frames required
Variety of hatch styles for easy loading of dry ingredients
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A design that resulted in an efficient, high powered aggressive Mixing Tank, capable of generating fast batch turn around for our client…

A Tank For Aggressive Agitation
Industrial Mixing Tank
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A mixing tank that has a lot in common with the warm cuppa, that sits on your desk. The techniques that make up your perfect brew, are the same used in our client’s ideal chemical batch…

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As a mixing tank goes through the final inspection and quality assurance process, we look at its unique integrated design feature…

Industrial Mixing Tank Final inspection

Read more of our case studies on all our Industrial and Mining Products


Our mixing tanks feature an integrated design, with no additional mounting frames required. The motor and gearbox drive support system is fixed securely to the tank wall. This not only minimises the footprint of the tank but also minimises onsite installation time, just place it on the pad and it’s ready for use. While still providing strength and support for high powered agitation that generates a fast batch turnaround.

It’s important to note that the choice of impeller type and configuration should be based on the specific requirements of your chemical mixing process, such as the type of chemicals being mixed, the desired mixing intensity, and the tank size. Consulting with our technical team can help you select the most appropriate impeller for your application.

Low Level Impeller –  Low-level impellers are particularly effective at keeping solids suspended in the liquid, by creating a more efficient flow pattern. The impeller can distribute the energy more evenly throughout the tank and prevent the formation of a vortex, resulting in more thorough and consistent mixing.

Dual Impeller Mixers – Ideal for complex mixing a dual impeller promote better mixing uniformity by creating multiple flow patterns within the tank and are equipped to handle a broad range of liquid viscosities, while also enabling faster mixing times and the ability to draw out liquids while they are being mixed. This can help ensure that all components of the mixture are thoroughly blended, leading to consistent quality.

To make your tank fully drainable our fabrication team can instal a sloping foam floor. This allows you to fully drain the tank of chemicals between batches, reducing any unwanted contamination.

West Coast Poly tanks are manufactured to cope with the harsh West Australian environment and are suitable for external installation. West Coast Poly uses a material which has a UV performance level of UV 20 which is more than the Australian standard requirement. This material is standard for our storage tank range so that customers can be assured they are getting the highest UV protection available.

LMDPE – a hexene grade co-polymer based linear medium density polyethylene. The material offers excellent impact strength and long-term UV stabilisation it is suitable for manufacturing a wide range of products.

HDPE – A new generation of Hexene HDPE, principally for chemical storage tank applications. Suited for manufacturing large storage tanks, the advanced technology of the material leads to superior mechanical properties, high impact strength, high stiffness and long-term UV stabilisation.

You can learn more about our materials here.

Our tanks are a seamless single piece construction making them tough, durable & long lasting in even the harshest condition. We achieve this by using state-of-the-art machines and techniques at our manufacturing facility in Canning Vale WA. Cutting edge computer systems enable us to monitor the internal temperature, rotations and cook times. Ensuring each tank produced is of the highest quality. You can learn more about our manufacturing process here.

Our quality assurance team conducts rigorous and thorough testing on each tank, making sure every tank meets our precise quality specification. Through means of impact testing, ultrasound testing and hydrostatic temperature.

Impact Testing: To ensure the performance & workmanship of each finished tank, a member of our quality assurance team cut samples from a tank after it is made and freezes them. Once the samples have reached -40c we use a drop dart to evaluate impact strength & toughness, ensuring the vessel meets our quality standards.

Ultrasonic Testing: To ensure an even and thick tank structure, our quality assurance team use precise ultrasound equipment, anywhere on the tank walls, roof or floor. This specialised technique allows us to measure the thickness profile of the tank & make sure it’s the exact thickness to meet our quality specification & standards.

Hydrostatic Load Testing: If the tanks have specialised fittings, our quality assurance team can conduct pressure and leak testing, ensuring your tank is fit for purpose when it arrives at site.

Lifting Load Point Test: Testing conducted to achieve certification on the tank lifting points to the working load limit.

In keeping with the high-quality standards applied to manufacturing, West Coast Poly keeps meticulous records of their manufactured products. Standard details of all tanks are recorded with the tanks unique identification number.

  • Date of manufacture
  • Powder batch & shot weight
  • Machine number & operator
  • Cook time & cook temperature
  • QA testing thickness
  • QA testing impact
chemical diesel cartage mixing

West Coast Poly’s manufacturing processes and products are certified to meet these Australian standards:

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • Watermark

For more information head to our certification page.

Our logistics and transport team members work with you to make sure your tank is delivered safely and on time to your site. Using our fleet of delivery trucks, experienced transport team members ensure your tank is fitted out correctly on site to your exact specifications with all appropriate documentation as well. If it is required for your site, our transport team can also provide pre slung tank deliveries with certified slings and D shackles. For more information head to our delivery page.


For additional information, please email your requirements and we will contact you to discuss further

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Quality polyethylene storage tanks suitable for a wide range of applications, factory fitted and tailored to your exact requirements.

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With our vast experience accumulated over two decades, we will come up with the best and most economical delivery solution.

For more information and details, please see the Delivery Section


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