Rural Tank Deliveries
What we do
With our rural tank deliveries our drivers install the tank fittings on site in the tanks final position so that the fill point, overflow and outlet are sized and located to suit your requirements.
For Rural Tanks up to 6100g (27,500L) our trucks with trailer are up to 20 metres in length, 2.8 metres in width and 5.3 metres in height (this will vary on load combinations at the time).
For Rural Tanks 38,000 and 50,000 Litres, access is required for a 20m long truck and trailer with a height clearance of 5.2m, and access to pull alongside the tank pad. A tilt trailer is used to place the tank into position. The pad must be no higher than 80mm.
If you cannot accommodate the above then the driver will deliver to a mutually agreed accessible point, install your fittings and then the relocation of the tank will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
The drivers carry a supply of standard fitting sizes. Fittings other than standard should be organized at time of order or prior to the tank being delivered to avoid any inconvenience and extra expense. Each driver is highly trained in the fitting-out of water tanks and can place the fittings to the customer’s requirements as long as the tank provisions allow.

What you must do
Prior to delivery check your access for overhanging trees or any obstacles, you will need to make the path as clear as possible so we can gain access to your delivery site.
Please note that if a crane or any other equipment is required, then hire of this equipment is at your expense and must be arranged prior to delivery.
Our driver will need help to unload your tank from the truck to your site, therefore, could you please have able-bodied people available to assist at time of delivery.
Assistance required for Big Tanks
Our driver will need help to unload your tank from the truck to your site, therefore, could you please have able-bodied people available to assist at time of delivery.
Number of people required for delivery per tank model:
- 9,000L, 10,000L and 14,000L – 1 able bodied person plus driver
- 23,000L, 25,000L and 27,000L – 2 able bodied persons plus driver
- 38,000L & 50,000L – Tanks cannot be man handled and require special lifting equipment to unload the tank.
Our drivers adhere to safe work practices at all times and will not attempt any unsafe work practices when delivering products. Should the delivery driver determine the location is unsafe to unload then your tank will be unloaded to the safest location on site and relocation of the tank to the site will be the customers direct responsibility.
Site preparation
Your storage tanks foundation must be smooth, level and free of any sharp objects, the diameter of the base should be no less than the diameter of the vessel chosen. Remember that the foundation is the most important part of your tank’s life. (See product guarantee conditions).

Plumbing from your catchment source is the responsibility of the purchaser and all storage tanks must be installed in the correct installation method to have a valid warranty.
Grab a copy of our current Price List here! All our products, pricing and dimensions at your fingertips.