West Coast Poly’s operating procedures comply with the Quality Management System certified under ISO 9001:2015 (certificate QMS42864) which covers the design, manufacture, delivery and installation of our tanks.
The design of our products involves not only the expertise of our design consultants Trymak but also subjecting these designs to Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to meet or exceed the requirements of the tank standard AS/NZS 4766:2020.
Materials used by West Coast Poly comply with AS/NZS 4020:2018 which confirms that they are suitable for contact with drinking water and the relevant section of AS/NZS 4766:2020 covering water and chemical storage. These materials exhibit outstanding UV resistance (UV20) and have high thermal stability making them less prone to oxidation, discolouration and loss of toughness.

Analysis (FEA)


Quality Product

ISO 9001 Quality Certification
ISO 9001: 2015 is an internationally recognized Quality Management Standard requiring qualifying companies to identify, define, document, implement, monitor, measure, and continually improve the effectiveness of its processes for the purposes of enhancing Customer Satisfaction. Companies must undergo third-party audits by accredited certification boards in order to become ISO 9001:2015 certified.
WaterMark Certification
WaterMark is a scheme that ensures that plumbing materials and products are fit for purpose and appropriately authorised for use in plumbing and drainage installations. This means that each material and product has been rigorously tested and evaluated to an approved product specification and certified by a WaterMark Conformity Assessment Body.

Professional Membership
Sections covering the details of manufacture, delivery and installation are detailed elsewhere in the website but it is worth noting that our company has been a long standing member of the Association of Rotational Moulders of Australasia (ARMA).

ARMA (Association of Rotational Moulders Australasia) is the premier organisation representing Rotational moulders throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia. They are affiliated and work in partnership with other rotational moulding organisations around the world – Europe, North America, Asia, South Africa.
The organisation is instrumental in the application of standards in the rotational moulding manufacturing industry, it keeps members informed of new designs and in touch with new advanced manufacturing technology. They conduct workshops, global conferences in Australia/NZ and study tours sharing knowledge, expertise and opportunities.